
Rediscovering Fly Ash:
The Superior Alternative

Rediscovering Fly Ash:
The Superior Alternative

Rediscovering Fly Ash:
The Superior Alternative

In recent years, numerous countries have ramped up their environmental regulations to curtail greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants. This has led to the shutdown or modernization of older, less efficient coal-fired power plants. Consequently, the supply of fly ash, a valuable ingredient in construction, agriculture, and cement production, is dwindling, causing prices to soar.

The Evolution of Fly Ash:

Enter Oil Shale Ash

Step into the future with HOME OF RAW: We exclusively offer Oil Shale Ash (OSA), outclassing traditional fly ash. Extracted during the processing of oil shale – a sedimentary rock – OSA emerges when the rock's kerogen is transformed into an oil-like fluid and gas through heating. The resulting solid byproduct is our game-changing Oil Shale Ash.

The Distinct Benefits of OSA:

Performance and Affordability

But the advantages of OSA don't end there. Not only does it outperform traditional coal-derived fly ash, but it also comes at a much more enticing price point. And with our abundant supply, we promise consistent availability in a market increasingly starved of traditional fly ash options. Experience the future of fly ash with us, ensuring quality, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

Fly-Ash Specifications

For detailed information, consult the full product specifications. Specifications are available upon request.